7 Reasons Why You Should Be Counting Your Blessings Daily - Emmanuel Adu-Darko

Emmanuel Adu-Darko & Humphry Madge-Galvez
Photo Credit: Joshua Ertle
Today I am privileged to share to the world a piece of motivation from someone who not only is friend, but also a mentor during my tenure in the university. Emmanuel has been one of the greatest contributors in my life both physically and spiritual. He has a tendency of nurturing anyone close to him who would like to seek guidance and motivation in their daily lives. I therefore wish to share one of his masterpiece to the world. I hope this article would be of great benefit to you.

In almost every part of our lives, we have found ourselves using the word blessing irrespective of the religion we belong to. But have we really crossed our minds to determine what the word "Blessing" means? This article is here to help you have an overview of it.

The word "Blessing" can be viewed in two angles. These are:
  • The Religious Perspective
  • The Non-Religious Perspective

The Religious Perspective
Blessings, are directly associated with, and are believed to come from, God. Thus, to express a blessing is like bestowing a wish on someone that they experience the favor of God, and to acknowledge God as the source of all blessing.

The Non-Religious Perspective
Blessing is something that you have or something that happens which is good because it improves your life, helps you in some way, or makes you happy

According to Emmanuel, these are the 7 reasons why you should be counting your blessings daily. 

1. It stirs up a positive attitude. it keeps your eyes on the opportunities not the obstacles.
    "People who see opportunities, seize opportunities."

2. It gives you a heart of gratitude and joy.

3. It inspires optimism, hope and confidence in the present and the future.

4. It triggers creativity and industry.

5. It releases energy to overcome obstacles.

6. It empowers your discernment.

7. It focuses your energy.

What blessings do you see in your life today?

Kindly use the comment section to share your views

Article by: Emmanuel Adu-Darko
Featuring: Cypran Akubude

Emmanuel Adu-Darko, Photo Credit: Joshua Ertle


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